Hair Removal
How it works...

Our clinics machine has “Elight technology”, this technology uses intense pulsed light (IPL) with Radio Frequency combined with a cooling system. This latest innovation increases safety and effectiveness of all treatments over a standard laser machine.
During the process, the IPL device uses polychromatic light and low levels of infrared which targets the melanin which is found in the skin and hair. Higher concentrates of melanin are found at the root of the hair follicle, the light is then absorbed by the hair follicle using selective photo thermolysis which then creates heat to the hair follicle, and this then impacts the hair follicles growth process.
This process is most efficient and effective when the hair is in the anagen growing stage as this is when the root of the hair has the most melanin and has the darkest pigment attached to the root which allows for the best transfer of heat energy from the laser to the hair follicle.
IPL Laser will not treat unpigmented hair (white/grey) as it needs the dark pigment to be attracted to the hair follicle.
Due to the different hair growth stages people may find that some hair will disappear faster than others. During a treatment the laser will pick the hairs up which have been in the different growing stages below.

Anagen - is the growing stage and is the best stage for when Laser Hair Removal should be done.
Catagen - is the transition stage, this stage has a reduced hair follicle size and stops growing making the hair follicle fall out.
Telogen - is the resting stage,the hair follicle is fully detached from the root meaning that Laser Hair Removal would be ineffective as there is no hair follicle to target.
Therefore, multiple courses of treatments are required, so that the targeted hair can be captured in the anagen growth phase. You should start to see the slowdown of hair growth after two to three treatments.
Laser hair removal is safe if it is carried out by qualified practitioner.
Common and normal side effects after treatment can be:
Skin reddening - Erythema
Swollen hair follicles
Slight itching
Burning- smell of hair
Pre and Post Treatment advice will be given during the consultation and can be found on our website.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal:
Hair removal is not just for aesthetic reasons it can help people with certain medical conditions such as:
Hirsutism (Excessive hair growth) - most common cause PCOS.
Hidradenitis Suppurative (HS)
Other benefits of Laser Hair Removal are:
Results are long lasting
The procedure is very precise and exact
Less painful than other hair removal processes
Free’s up your time
Increases self confidence
“Hello to free hair holidays”
Improves skin tone and texture
No more irritation
Prevents ingrown hairs
Save money in the long term
You dont need to grow hair in between treatments
Great for all genders
Effective, large volumes of people see permanent hair loss results in four to six treatment sessions

If you feel laser hair removal is for you, please book in a complimentary consultation.
*No treatments will be performed until a consultation and a patch test is completed.*